Write For Us - Glaad Voice

Write For Us

Thank you for showing interest in writing a guest post for Glaad Voice. We’re glad you’re then.

Writing for us is a great way to show your moxie and establish yourself as an expert in the field. also, you get exposure via our social media channels and our goodwill.

Please take some time to review this entire runner as it easily explains the guidelines, the submission process, and the type of content we accept.

What we publish?

We publish papers of anywhere between 600 –,500 words, depending on subject complexity.,500 words is about average. papers frequently run with a custom illustration. papers may be casual in tone and content — great for less- ferocious tutorials and posts or strictly structured and edited. All should be well- considered studies of current and slice- edge motifs in the web assiduity.

What you should follow while ” write for us ”?

  1. Unique and distinctive Content

People are continuously looking for fresh stories and new ideas. It helps in encouraging reading and engaging. Hence, we ’re always looking for some unique and out of the box content. This is what helps to make us different from others. If you have such an idea or story to tell just bring your codifying keyboard and write for us.

To get a fresh idea, you better go through our website content and dissect what type of content we’re publishing. In this way, you’ll get an idea of how we’re pacing and how you need to approach us with fresh ideas.

  1. Simple and increase Curiosity

originally, you might suppose to start with a big and broad happy idea, for illustration, “ How to start a incipiency with low capital ”. But in utmost cases, content with simplicity and a narrow approach does the stylish. Because They give to the point and precious content that attracts further cult. For illustration “ 5 effects You Need to Know Before Investing in a incipiency ” or “ 8 miscalculations to avoid while starting a incipiency, all you need to do is to do deep exploration and make a strategy consequently. Content must encourage people to read further and quest for further information.

  1. Use exemplifications

The most successful incipiency stories instartup.info offer precious information to arising startups and small businesses. Be to the point, Simple, general, and most importantly Engaging. Advice, miscalculations can only be fluently understood with exemplifications and compendiums can fluently relate to themselves.

  1. Sponsored posts

Yes, we do accept patronized posts at competitive prices, from the companies who would like to increase their visibility while financing great content. Please note that this isn’t like an advertising figure for your company but it helps to grow a strong brand name among our compendiums . For illustration, If a company would like to partake their incipiency trip from starting to the meridian, how they grow, what are the obstacles and challenges they face during their successful trip.

We accept Guest posts only for Paid Links or Sponsored posts at competitive rates. For further details,

You can communicate us via the form at the end of this runner.

We’re accepting well-written, informative guest posts covering the following areas:

  • Business
  • Technology
  • Tutorials
  • Software
  • Travel
  • Digital Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Social Media
  • Health & Fitness
  • Entertainment
  • Lifestyle
  • Gadgets Reviews
  • LGBT
  • Home Improvement

What we do n’t publish?

  1. formerly published Content

We don’t publish papers that have formerly been published on our website. Indeed you made some changes to it. We only accept Unique and Original.

  1. Copied Content

We don’t accept Copied or reproduced content on our website. And it’s a serious violation of our policy which can lead to endless deactivation and barring of your account.

  1. deceiving information

You shouldn’t include any fake information or data in your content. You must give proper citations, credits, and quote the source of information on the composition. Always try to use dependable information from authoritative spots or sources and give credit consequently.

Guidelines to Follow for Composition Submission

Choose topics: Before Pitching for your composition submission, kindly go through our papers and come up with three unique content ideas that you ’re most passionate about writing a kick- burro, well delved , in- depth composition.

Allocating content: After pitching for composition submission, we will choose a content from your given suggestions and allocate you to write on.

We prefer cessions as Google documents so that editors can fluently give feedback and guidance directly within your draft.

Word Limit: We only allow papers that contain at least 400 words.

Add Links: Add 1- 2 external links

plagiarism free: 100 plagiarism-free

Author: You can include a particular print and the author’s short memoir.

Whom do we allow to publish?

We accept only individual pens, incipiency companies, Professional Writers, or Freelancers to write for us. We prefer content from Bloggers, Startup authors, and generators who have in- depth knowledge rather than a general base of business, incipiency, or marketing.

Your jotting should demonstrate that you ’re suitable to offer unique, politic perceptivity, inspired grounded upon your hands- on experience; posts that offer advice, gests, How to, inventions, success stories,etc.