Tag: Draw A Carnation

How to Draw A Carnation Easily

How to Draw A Carnation Easily

How to Draw A Carnation. The carnation is one of the most delicate of flowers. These pretty flowers have many petals to give them a rounded shape, and because of their beauty, they are often used in corsets and for elegant occasions. Also, check our women undergarments in Pakistan They're also wonderful to recreate in artwork, and learning to draw a carnation is perfect! This is the guide for you if you love this flower and want to know how to recreate it. Our step-by-step tutorial on drawing a carnation will help you recreate this amazing flower in an easy and fun way. How to Draw A Carnation Step 1 In this first step of our guide on drawing a carnation, we will draw some petals. As mentioned earlier, carnations comprise many smaller petals that form round shapes. ...