Step By Step Guide To Create A Digital Marketing Strategy - Glaad Voice

Step by Step Guide To Create a Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital Marketing

A Digital Marketing Strategy is the organization of actions that are intended to achieve results in digital media. The strategy will be followed by an action plan with clear objectives and achievable goals.

We have compiled a summary of the steps required to create a digital strategy that is based on inbound marketing.

Table of Contents

Develop the profile of the potential customer

Buyer personas are your ideal customers. They can be created by conducting research, conducting surveys, and interviewing your target audience. This information should always be based on real data whenever possible.

Set Goals

They should always relate to the main objectives of the company/project. They should be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable), relevant and time-bound).

As an example, our business objective is to increase online sales by 10% compared with last year. Also, increase our online brand awareness by 40% by the same time next year.

Marketing and Promotion Channels

Inbound strategies are based on creating rich content that attracts leads and customers, then continuing the process.

We must assess the resources we have, such as websites, blogs, downloadable material, and social profiles.

It is important to plan whether you will use other channels for promotion.

Sponsored content on social media networks or posts sponsored by other websites relevant to your market. But how to get Instagram sponsored ads?

Create your Sales Funnel

The sales funnel, or sales funnel, will help you to understand and implement the actions required for each stage of the funnel. You can then determine what content each stage will produce: Attract, Convert, Relate, and Analyze.

Content planning

You can identify your buyer persona by taking into consideration the sales funnel. Then, with the help of tools, you can plan the content you need to create or adapt for each stage.

Promotion and Publicity

You must plan how you will promote your content to attract potential customers.

Pay if your campaign is moving faster. Keep in mind that digital marketing works today if paid advertising is used to complement your promotions.

Choose the best media channels, such as Facebook Ads and/or Google AdWords. And you should also know what is a good click through rate for Facebook ads.

 List of Actions

Take all the information and create a list of actions that must be taken. Also, write down the goals. You will get the best results if you focus and take action.


Analyze all actions and make sure to include weekly frequency measurements in your Excel spreadsheet. Make the necessary adjustments and move on to the next step in your overall strategy.

Marketing strategies should not be planned for 6 months or a month. They must be planned for at least a year to execute the actions and achieve affordable results.