How To See Who Viewed Your Facebook Post? Detailed Guide

How to See Who Viewed Your Facebook Post? Detailed Guide

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms used worldwide, allowing users to share their posts, photos, and videos with their friends and family.

Many users are curious to know who viewed their posts, and if their content has been shared with others. While Facebook does not provide a direct way to see who viewed your posts, there are some methods to get an idea of who has viewed and shared your content.

In this article, we will explore some of the most effective ways to get Facebook views and see who shared your post on Facebook.

Method 1: Check the post’s privacy settings

Before delving into methods to see who viewed and shared your post, it’s essential to check your post’s privacy settings. Ensure that your post is public, as private posts are only visible to your Facebook friends.

To check your post’s privacy settings, go to the post and click on the three dots in the top right corner. Select “Edit Post,” and you’ll see a drop-down menu with different privacy options. Ensure that the post is set to “Public” to allow anyone on Facebook to view and share your content.

Method 2: Check the number of views and shares

One way to get an idea of who viewed and shared your post is to check the number of views and shares. To do this, go to the post, and you’ll see the number of views and shares in the bottom left corner.

Click on the number of shares to see who shared your post get more info. However, keep in mind that this only shows you the people who shared your post publicly, and not those who shared it privately.

Method 3: Use third-party apps

There are many third-party apps that claim to allow you to see who viewed your Facebook posts. However, be cautious when using such apps as many of them are scams or can harm your device.

Additionally, Facebook’s terms of service prohibit such apps, and they may result in your account being suspended or banned.

Method 4: Analyze your Facebook Insights

If you have a Facebook Page, you can use Facebook Insights to see how many people have viewed and engaged with your posts.

Facebook Insights provides you with data such as reach, engagement, and clicks, which can give you an idea of how many people have viewed and interacted with your content. However, this method only works if you have a Facebook Page, and not a personal account.

Method 5: Ask your followers

Another way to see who viewed and shared your post is to ask your followers. You can create a poll or ask your followers to comment on your post if they shared it. This method is useful as it allows you to engage with your followers and get their feedback on your content.

Method 6: Tag people in your post

If you tag people in your post, they will receive a notification and may view and share your post with their friends. Tagging relevant people in your post can increase its visibility and reach, allowing more people to view and share your content.


While Facebook does not provide a direct way to see who viewed your posts, there are some methods to get an idea of who has viewed and shared your content.

You can check your post’s privacy settings, analyze your Facebook Insights, ask your followers, use third-party apps, check the number of views and shares, or tag people in your post.

However, keep in mind that not all of these methods are foolproof, and some may not work for everyone. Therefore, it’s essential to focus on creating quality content that resonates with your audience, rather than worrying about who viewed and shared your posts.