Tag: Hralth

Turkey Berry: Uses, Benefits and Unwanted Effects

Turkey Berry: Uses, Benefits and Unwanted Effects

Introduction:An old saying states that the jasmine you grow in your garden won't smell nearly as good as the one you buy at the market. This is what I felt while researching Turkey berries. Turkey berries can be found on a spiny, flowering shrub that produces clusters of yellow-green, pea-sized berries. Turkey berry is often called Brihati marathi marang in Sanskrit, Bankatiya and bhurat in Hindi and chundakkai and Sundakkai in Tamil. They are also known as pokak and pea eggplant, and satan’s fig.The scientific name of the turkey berry Solanum torvum is a member of the Solanaceae household Solanaceae. Vidalista 40 and Vidalista 80 are great for your health. It is a wild cousin to eggplant, and can be found in Asia, South America, and tropical Africa. There are many well-being ben...