6 Free Tools to Detect ChatGPT, GPT3, and GPT2.

Complete Guide on 6 Free Tools to Detect ChatGPT, GPT3, and GPT2.

AI has changed human communication and learning. Chatbots make machine communication simpler than ever. Technology challenges the discourse’s validity. ChatGPT, GPT-3, and GPT-2 language models may create human-like responses in certain chatbots. We provide five free language model recognition tools to avoid misunderstanding.


Chatbots are becoming commonplace. They arrange meals and appointments for us. Some chatbots use language models that mimic human conversations, prompting concerns about their validity. We provide five free language model recognition tools to avoid misunderstanding.

GPT-2, GPT-3, and ChatGPT?

OpenAI produced ChatGPT, GPT-3, and GPT-2 language models. These language models may provide responses that are hard to differentiate from human speech. Deep learning systems learn from massive datasets to respond to specific queries.

Why identify these language models?

These language models may deceive chatbots and undermine the dialogue. To verify a conversation is real, identify linguistic models. These language models can detect fraud, deceit, and misinformation.


USC’s Botometer can differentiate bots from humans on Twitter. It uses a machine learning technique to assess an account’s automation based on tweet frequency, followers, and content. The tool gives a score between 0 and 1, with 1 being the most likely bot.

Botometer Lite

Botometer Lite is a stripped-down Botometer with the same capabilities. It analyses the Twitter handle and provides a score from 0 to 100, with 100 indicating the highest likelihood of a bot.


Cambridge’s BotScan can detect ChatGPT, GPT-3, and GPT-2 language models in chats. It uses a machine learning algorithm to identify whether the conversation’s linguistic patterns are from a language model or a human.


The Network Science Center at Indiana University developed BotSlayer, a real-time bot detection tool. A machine learning algorithm analyses the bot’s tweet frequency and quantity.


Botcheck.me detects Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook bots. A machine learning algorithm analyses the account’s behavior, including posting frequency, followers, and post content, to determine whether it’s a bot.


Grammica Chat gpt detector is easy. Paste your text and click “GET RESULTS” to receive the summary, average perplexity, and burstiness. It also highlights AI-written content.

Comparing gear

Each instrument has unique features and uses. Botometer and Botometer Lite focus on Twitter bots, whereas BotScan and Botcheck.me may be used across several social media networks. BotSlayer identifies bots in real time.


As chatbots become more popular, it’s important to discover language models like ChatGPT, GPT-3, and GPT-2 to verify conversations. These five free tools may help identify and recognize language models to avoid confusion or harm.

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